Tuesday 4 July 2017

Typology of Mughal Havelis

The 200-225 years old wonderful Havelis used to be the exquisite complexes empowering the cultural and visual aspects of architecture, the epitome of Mughal Architecture. These played a major role in active development in activity which could be segmented into basic terminology like Mardana, Baithak, Zenana, Jeena, etc.

It is a heart-breaking site to see the dilapidated conditions of these Havelis and a seemingly lost history only ingrained in the minds of few. But architectural imagination helps fill in the spaces and create an image out of understanding and experience. At those days Jama Masjid was visible from the roof of the Havelis, the plinth was raised to a height suitable for travelers on horsebacks interact with the retailers etc.

Type 2
Type 1
The haveli that I got an opportunity to visit was made out of wood as the structural material, red sandstone, pots (matka), and lime concrete. It was a type 2 haveli and luckily I got an opportunity to see it for the last time before its destruction.

Top view of Mardana 
Jama Masjid was visible from the roof of the havelis
Wooden beam construction
Hearth in the room connected to Zenana
The materials used for the slab
Lockers in those times

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