College Competition
The warli paintings are practised indigenous tribe or adivasis, living in mountainous as well as coastal areas of Maharashtra-Gujrat border.
In the book The Painted World of the Warlis Yashodhara Dalmia claimed that the Warlis carry on a tradition stretching back to 2500 or 3000 BCE. Their mural paintings are similar to those done between 500 and 10,000 BCE in the Rock Shelters of Bhimbetka, in Madhya Pradesh.
Work produced by us |
The winning entry produced by seniors, showcasing the different phases of Lord Vishnu's avatars |
The work I try to produce, the things I modify, the risks I take and the will to do even if I'm not worthy enough for that particular task is what I learned from him. I liked art to a certain extent (never loved it) but I atleast tried to sketch the potrait of him.
Frank O. Gehry |
Initial sketch on wall done by me |
Shading done using charcoal pencil |
Final output after painting |
In architectural college there is a flux of diverse philosophies which creates a dense fog of intense unintelligible creativity. Thus I conclude that the subject is gone through a self critising stage which leads to a path to illness or short lifespan and the result is illogical understanding.
Sketch and painting |
Finished product |
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