Thursday 28 May 2020



COVID-19 Pandemic created a global upheaval where governments were forced to shut down public gatherings and force quarantine for reducing the risk of infectious diseases via anthroponosis (human to human/animal interaction). 

People were following social distancing, maintaining sanitary conditions, and spreading awareness such that everyone can combat such a global issue.


The focus area for the solution provided in this proposal was to design a multipurpose isolation module that can be engineered such that it shields visitors or quarantine individuals with suspected or confirmed infection

This isolation pod or AIIR range from private to public and its design can create an extremely safe environment that can either create a quarantine chamber in interior spaces like offices, banks, gyms, or even homes or tackle the public problem by placing these pods in the pedestrian pathways, open parks, etc.



This multi-functional pod can house 2 people in a time which can help people combat the mass hysteria as they can feel closer together in a safe environment. 

"The proposal is basically an idea of becoming future-ready by creating a multifunctional POD that can act as a bridge which helps people practice daily activities without disruptions by advocating them to adopt best sanitary conditions and test new upcoming technologies for achieving clinical stability for all"

The POD is designed such that it is majorly prefabricated, minimized in size for easy transport, and just placed on-site by a simple method of rearrangement.

The functions that this pod does:
1. Meeting space- public one to one meeting where 2 individuals can meet and interact in a safe environment.
2. Testing chamber- visitors can get themselves tested using state of the art medical devices. This can help create clinical stability during any disease outbreak.
3. Self Quarantine chamber- it can quarantine a person if he or she shows symptoms for breaking the chain reaction. 
4. Hygienic space- visitors can sanitize themselves for eliminating the risk of getting infected.
5. Eating space- visitors can use this enclosure for food consumption.
6. Medical care for the contained- on the discovery of an infected person self quarantined in this pod he can receive the best medical facility as the authorities will be notified.


Architecture during this pandemic can greatly impact health;

Functionally architecture impacts health, if quick to construct or fabrication technologies solve huge problems regarding fast-paced construction and create more hospital space.

Psychologically systems can be planned which can help adjust the daily functioning style 

As architecture, we have a role to create innovative designs that can solve many problems.

During emergencies, architects and designers can share ideas, easy to construct drawings, do webinars for spreading construction-related awareness, provide temporary shelter to migrant labor, etc.





During a pandemic, people from all facets of life should come together and help develop systems, technologies, built forms, etc to help normal function without any disruptions.

As an architect, my focus for this project was on set designers, engineers, and medical personnel. The idea can be invented by a designer in his room which can be prefabricated and installed on-site via technologies like drones, etc, and can also help in medical treatments and solving massive problems by trying the eliminate and control the spread before it spreads quickly and gets out of hand.

Detailed use of material and pricing is mentioned below:

Wednesday 10 October 2018

Tuesday 27 March 2018

Zafar Mahal Proposed Design

Proposed Design for a museum,

As an architect, the proposed design has to follow certain constraints like,
  • The built form shouldn't be altered to retain the essence of spaces and distribution.
  • The material used to build the structure should be preserved, which will help locals to understand the techniques used in past.
Current Major standing built forms,
  • Hathi Gate- The grand entrance to the haveli has lots of niches and helps accelerate the dramatic experience of Mughal architecture. It can act as
  • Chattri- The collonade raised 2.4 meters from the ground is built in the biggest existing space 2.3 meters high. It can act as a nodal point for circulation.
Distribution of Spaces,
  • Entrance from Hathi Gate leads to question booth and reference material section.
  • The lower level is perfect for seamless circulation and can serve as a museum for the early Mughal turmoil to later Mughal resistance.
  • The upper levels can sinuate the peak of their dynasty and house precious artifacts as it is well walled and distant from exits.

Sunday 25 March 2018

Should We conserve Heritage?

This topic has been debated in the past several times, but financial allocation and expenditure on monuments showcase that the organizations are paid very less to manage expensive conservation after fulfilling the demands for salary.

As architects, we can help find solutions which are affordable, interesting and generating revenue for sustaining maintenance. 

Zafar Mahal

Zafar Mahal in Mehrauli in New Delhi. The mosque in the background is the Shrine of Khwaja Qutubuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki. The royal graves in the palace are in a marble enclosure – with a vacant spot for the grave of Bahadur Shah Zafar II.

The last Mughal residential complex Zafar Mahal a.k.a Lal Mahal was made in honor of Hazrat Khwaja Quttubuddin Bakhtiyar Kak, a renowned Sufi saint. It is said that Bahadur Shah Zafar wanted to be buried here but since he was exiled to Burma, his last wish was never fulfilled.

The building was made in two parts. First part, constructed by Emperor Akbar Shah II was a single floor comprising of few rooms, some open area, Moti Masjid and Naubat Khana. Emperor Bahadur Shah Zafar added another floor to it and erected the majestic Hathi Gate. He also constructed Chajja/Chhatri in the center of the palace.
Towards the east, adjoining the wall of Hz. Kaki's Dargah is the Moti Masjid. It has two exits, one in the south, towards the Naubat Khana of Zafar Mahal, and other in North, that opens in the property of Hz. Kaki's Dargah.Except for Hathi Gate, entire palace is in ruins. 70% of the roof has collapsed. Remaining 30% has been restored by govt. body and is supported with wooden planks. 

Passageways inside the complex

We can conserve this ruined palace by, 
  • Creating an Exhibition elaborating the tussle between Mughals and Britishers reinvoking the love for our nation 
  • Using this space for other educational purposes.
  • Refurbishing the ruined parts into an Open space with installations of recreational things like swings etc.
  • Using the existing structure as places where prayers can be practiced etc.

Proposed Design for a museum,

As an architect, the proposed design has to follow certain constraints like,
  • The built form shouldn't be altered to retain the essence of spaces and distribution.
  • The material used to build the structure should be preserved, which will help locals to understand the techniques used in past.
Current Major standing built forms,
  • Hathi Gate- The grand entrance to the haveli has lots of niches and helps accelerate the dramatic experience of Mughal architecture. It can act as
  • Chattri- The collonade raised 2.4 meters from the ground is built in the biggest existing space 2.3 meters high. It can act as a nodal point for circulation.
Distribution of Spaces,
  • Entrance from Hathi Gate leads to question booth and reference material section.
  • The lower level is perfect for seamless circulation and can serve as a museum for the early Mughal turmoil to later Mughal resistance.
  • The upper levels can sinuate the peak of their dynasty and house precious artifacts as it is well walled and distant from exits.


Existing Plan,

Proposed Plan,

Wednesday 15 November 2017

Mind Rain Design Competition 1

I participated in an ideas competition for the very first time and wanted to see the type of exposure for this competition

Concept sketch sheet

Plans and elevation sheet

Saturday 8 July 2017

Less is More

(click here for more information)

The Barcelona Pavilion was designed by Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe, as an attachment for the international exhibition at Montjuic, Barcelona, Spain.

The structure was without practical purpose, no part of its interior was taken by exhibits the building itself was an object on view. The spaces created was never seen before portraying the epoch of the architect.

Glass, Steel, and four different types of stones (Roman travertine, green alpine marble, ancient green marble from Greece, and golden onyx from the Atlas mountain) were used for its construction.

The Architectural Imagination [Part -4]

Fagus Factory
The dynamic state of technology had to be transformed by spirit, that architecture wasn't just building but was building raised to the level of art and that the intellectual task of the architecture in modernity was to invent new forms of new machine age that would not only understand architecture as representing a social totality, but that would also put architecture in the continuum of architecture as an art practice.

Walter Gropius worked on a part of Fagus factory early in his career just after leaving Peter Behrens office. He helped with the AEG factory and demonstrated that how seminal ideas could be transformed, elaborated, varied and even criticized. 

The factories were meant to act as a kind of advertisement for the quality of production of the corporation itself.  

This three stories high shoe lasts factory is located in Alfred a der Leine, Lower Saxony, Germany.

The material used was primarily steel, brick masonry, and glass wall. The recessed masonry gave the glass panels look like a curtain wall springing from the parapet. The glass and steel came together at a very sharp point at the corners rendering it emphatically transparent. A solid masonry block that contains the entrance to the factory pushes in this glass envelope

Seagram Building

The glass was endowed not only with material visual quality but spiritual quality, to extract the full potential of glass and steel various experiments were conducted by German Architect Mies Van Der Rohe. He designed buildings in America which became an epitome of glass and steel skyscrapers.

The Seagram Building was the administrative headquarters of the Canadian distillery and it was located on Park Avenue in downtown New York. 

He wanted the building to engage with the city and even confront the city, so as the construction site was in the mid-block he left a deep plaza in front of the building. 


The flat surface of the building comprises of bronzed glass and steel in an attempt to bring the materials closer together. The entire steel frame is encased in concrete with an I section over the glass as an ornament as a representational function for what is, in fact, a constructional and structural vocation.